Ep. 293 Break Free: Proven Steps To Get Rid Of Stubborn Belly Fat

Published: Aug. 30, 2023, 7 a.m.

b'Today, I am excited to welcome you to the eagerly awaited third installment of Ask Me Anything!\\xa0\\nIn this episode, I shine the spotlight on a universal challenge that affects the lives of countless women north of 35 as I delve into the heart of the problems of weight loss resistance, plateaus, and the notorious belly fat that seems to cling on for dear life.\\xa0\\nThe flood of questions that keep pouring in speaks volumes and is a testament to the exasperation we all feel! Join me in embarking on a journey to navigate that landscape, unravel the mysteries, confront the misconceptions, and uncover the strategies to overcome, decode, and dismantle the common issue of shedding those unwanted stubborn pounds!\\nI urge all of you- particularly those older than 35, to know you are not alone in your struggle! Stay tuned for the treasure trove of insights that awaits!\\nIN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN:\\n\\nWhy should you know what your fasting insulin is?\\xa0\\n\\nThe importance of stress management\\n\\nHelpful supplements for those who have had their gallbladders removed\\n\\nHow to deal with cravings and weight gain during the week before your period\\n\\nThe first thing to work on if you are struggling with plateaus or weight loss resistance\\n\\nThe importance of mitigating stress\\n\\nManaging your macronutrients\\n\\nThe loss of muscle as we get older\\n\\nPhysical activity and weight loss\\n\\nHow important is body set weight?\\xa0\\n\\nHow trauma impacts weight loss resistance\\n\\n\\n\\nConnect with Cynthia Thurlow\\n\\n\\nFollow on Twitter, Instagram & LinkedIn\\n\\n\\n\\nCheck out Cynthia\\u2019s website\\n\\n\\nSubmit your questions to support@cynthiathurlow.com'