What Alice Found - Chapter 1 - Teambuilding ft. Justin and Travis McElroy

Published: Jan. 27, 2021, midnight

b"In the first episode of our new connected arc, Justin and Travis McElroy take on the role of an employee forced into a teambuilding escape room with their boss and co-worker. Will they be able to finish the room? Will they break and lose their job? Can they slay a Jabberwocky?\\n\\xa0\\nOur guests this episode are Justin and Travis McElroy: Two thirds of My Brother, My Brother and Me; one half of The Adventure Zone; and a whole lot of fun. To find all the projects they are involved in, head to https://www.themcelroy.family/ and make sure to go to http://bit.ly/mcelroypodcastbook to buy their brilliant new book!\\n\\xa0\\nCheck out our episode of Finish It! : https://finishitpod.com/\\xa0Check out the trailer for Someone Dies in This Elevator: https://soundescape.productions/someone-dies-in-this-elevator-trailer/\\xa0Check out Mother of Frankenstein: https://motheroffrankenstein.com/\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nCheck out the write-up and images for this Escape Room below to follow along, or play yourself!\\nhttps://www.consumethismedia.com/what-alice-found-notes/#chapter-1\\n\\xa0\\nFor everything Escape This Podcast, head to\\xa0https://www.consumethismedia.com/escape-this-podcast\\nTo hang out with us and other fans, join our discord here:\\xa0https://discord.gg/AH9MZqM\\xa0\\nCheck out our second podcast, Solve This Murder!Website || iTunes || Twitter || Instagram || Facebook || RSS\\nFollow us on Twitch!\\nWe have bonus episodes and playtests up on our\\xa0Patreon! So if you have the ability to support the show, we would love to see you there. And in return we have blog posts, bonus audio, badges, and more! Plus all our patrons have the chance to appear in our rooms as NPC's, like this room's Brian Widerman, Jonathan Howe, and Ginny!\\nHave questions, comments, puzzles, or anything else? Send us an\\xa0email, and follow us on\\xa0Facebook\\xa0and\\xa0Twitter"