Which energy source is best w/ Age of Miracles

Published: Dec. 6, 2023, 8 a.m.

b"Noah Smith joins Age of Miracles hosts Packy McCormick and Julia DeWahl to discuss the future of nuclear energy as well as other energy sources. Daffy is offering Econ 102 listeners a free $25 for the charity of their choice when they join: https://www.daffy.org/econ102\\n\\nCheck out Erik's new show Request for Startups featuring a rotating cast of founders and investors (including Dan) sharing their requests for startups they want to exist in the world, and also their stories of navigating the idea maze in different sectors so founders don\\u2019t have to reinvent the wheel anymore. The first episode is out now - we over better dating apps, references as a service, and WeWork for productivity\\n\\nWatch and Subscribe on Substack: https://requestforstartups.substack.com/p/receipt-based-dating-reference-checks\\n\\n\\nApple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/request-for-startups-with-erik-torenberg/id1728659822\\n\\n\\nSpotify:https://open.spotify.com/show/739L1LR32QI2XyoZlRh5nv\\n\\n\\n_\\n\\nWe're hiring across the board at Turpentine and for Erik's personal team on other projects he's incubating. He's hiring a Chief of Staff, EA, Head of Special Projects, Investment Associate, and more. For a list of JDs, check out: eriktorenberg.com.\\n\\u2013\\nSponsors: GIVEWELL | DAFFY | NETSUITE\\nHave you ever wondered where your donation could have the most impact? GiveWell has now spent over 15 years researching charitable organizations and only directs funding to the highest impact opportunities they\\u2019ve found in global health and poverty alleviation. Make informed decisions about high-impact giving. If you\\u2019ve never donated through GiveWell before, you can have your donation matched up to $100 before the end of the year, or as long as matching funds last. To claim your match, go to https://givewell.org and pick \\u201cPodcast\\u201d and enter Econ 102 at checkout.\\n\\nDaffy is the most modern and accessible donor-advised fund, making it easier to put money aside for charity. You can make your tax-deductible contributions all at once or set aside a little each week or month. And you don\\u2019t just have to donate cash, you can easily contribute stocks, ETFs, or crypto. Plus, you never have to track receipts from your donations again. It\\u2019s free to get started and Econ 102 listeners get $25 towards the charity of their choice. Daffy is offering Econ 102 listeners a free $25 for the charity of their choice when they join Daffy https://www.daffy.org/econ102\\n\\nNetSuite has 25 years of providing financial software for all your business needs. More than 36,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, gaining visibility and control over their financials, inventory, HR, eCommerce, and more. If you\\u2019re looking for an ERP platform head to NetSuite http://netsuite.com/102 and download your own customized KPI checklist.\\n\\u2013\\nEcon 102 is a part of the Turpentine podcast network. To learn more: www.turpentine.co\\n\\n\\u2013\\nLINKS:\\nNoahpinion on Substack: https://www.noahpinion.blog/\\nAge of Miracle's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@age-of-miracles/videos\\n\\n\\u2013\\nX / TWITTER:\\n@noahpinion (Noah)\\n@packyM (Packy)\\n@juliadewahl (Julia)\\n@eriktorenberg (Erik)\\n\\u2013\\nTIMESTAMPS\\n(00:00) Episode Preview\\n(01:20) Energy in 2050\\n(02:35) Nuclear\\u2019s Learning Curve\\n(08:08) Building Nuclear vs Oil & Gas\\n(12:11) SPONSORS: GIVEWELL & DAFFY\\n(14:28) Case for Solar Energy\\n(16:52) Land acquisition costs\\n(19:39) Storage\\n(25:16) Turning nuclear on and off\\n(28:29) SPONSORS: GIVEWELL\\n(30:54) Intermittency problems\\n(35:49) Texas and Japan\\u2019s Batteries\\n(41:11) Land for Energy\\n(45:14) Wind\\n(47:46) Building solar\\n(50:32) When energy is cheap, what\\u2019s valuable?\\n(54:39) Fusion"