Wealth Distribution, Fixing Healthcare, and UBI

Published: April 24, 2024, 12:43 p.m.

b"In today's episode, Noah Smith and Erik Torenberg answer listeners' questions in rapid fire format, over topics such as the global reserve currency, fair taxation, wealth redistribution, education reform, healthcare, US manufacturing, how to revitalize cities, and more. Thanks to all our listeners who continue to write in with big meaty questions!\\n\\nThis show is produced by Turpentine: a network of podcasts, newsletters, and more, covering technology, business, and culture \\u2014 all from the perspective of industry insiders and experts. We\\u2019re launching new shows every week, and we\\u2019re looking for industry-leading sponsors \\u2014 if you think that might be you and your company, email us at erik@turpentine.co\\n_\\nSPONSORS: BEEHIIV | HARMONIC\\nHead to Beehiiv, the newsletter platform built for growth, to power your own. Connect with premium brands, scale your audience, and deliver a beautiful UX that stands out in an inbox.\\xa0\\U0001f41d to\\xa0https://Beehiiv.com\\xa0and use code\\xa0\\u201cMOZ\\u201d\\xa0for 20% off your first three months.\\n\\n\\U0001f9f2 Learn why Craft, Bedrock, NEA and 100s more trust Harmonic\\u2019s data to source deals. Harmonic is the most complete startup database, finding new companies as soon as they incorporate and tracking them through IPO. Head to https://bit.ly/harmonicturpentine and make sure to mention Turpentine VC during your demo.\\n_\\nSEND US YOUR Q's FOR NOAH TO ANSWER ON AIR: Econ102@Turpentine.co\\n_\\nRecommended Podcast: Company Breakdowns\\nEach episode of Company Breakdowns dives into S-1s and series B-and-beyond companies, interviewing founders and investors to break down the companies. First episode is on Rubrik - which just IPO'd. Coming up this season: Databricks, Reddit + more,\\nSpotify\\nApple\\n_\\nLINKS:\\nNoahpinion: https://www.noahpinion.blog/\\n_\\nX / TWITTER:\\n@noahpinion (Noah)\\n@eriktorenberg (Erik)\\n@TurpentineMedia (Turpentine)\\n_\\nTIMESTAMPS:\\n(00:00) Intro\\n(00:53) What if the dollar was no longer the world\\u2019s reserve currency?\\n(04:50) Fair taxation\\n(08:20) Level of redistribution in the US\\n(10:30) Lowering inequality by increasing economic growth\\n(18:26) Sponsor: Beehiiv | Harmonic\\n(20:26) Education reform\\n(30:07) Fixing rising costs in healthcare\\n(34:12) Limitations of UBI\\n(39:09) Massive gap between US and China\\u2019s manufacturing capacity\\n(46:25) US potential gateway to Africa\\n(54:28) Impact of foreign aid\\n(59:20) Revitalizing small US cities\\n(01:04:58) Wrap"