Elite Overproduction and the Future of the Right

Published: May 29, 2024, 4:50 a.m.

b'Today Noah Smith and Erik Torenberg discuss the recent angry posts on X from David Austin Walsh, a history postdoc\\xa0at Yale, and what this controversy says about the social and economic trends of the elite in the US. They also cover the the rise of right-wing muckrakers, discuss what the conservative movement needs now, and who they consider the smartest thinkers today are - on the left and the right.\\n\\n\\U0001f525 Apply to join over 400 founders and Execs in the Turpentine Network:\\xa0https://hmplogxqz0y.typeform.com/to/JCkphVqj\\n--\\nRecommended Podcast: The Riff with Byrne Hobart \\nByrne Hobart, the writer of The Diff, is revered in Silicon Valley. You can get an hour with him each week. See for yourself how his thinking can upgrade yours.\\nSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6rANlV54GCARLgMOtpkzKt\\nApple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-riff-with-byrne-hobart-and-erik-torenberg/id1716646486\\n--\\nSPONSORS: BEEHIIV\\nHead to Beehiiv, the newsletter platform built for growth, to power your own. Connect with premium brands, scale your audience, and deliver a beautiful UX that stands out in an inbox. \\U0001f41d https://beehiiv.com and use code "MOZ" for 20% off your first three months\\n--\\nSEND US YOUR Q\'s FOR NOAH TO ANSWER ON AIR: Econ102@Turpentine.co\\n--\\nLINKS\\nhttps://www.noahpinion.blog/p/the-case-of-the-angry-history-postdoc\\n--\\nTIMESTAMPS:\\n(00:00) Intro\\n(00:52) Twitter Blow-Up: David Austin Walsh controversy\\n(04:10) Elite Overproduction and academia\\n(08:09) Racial Disparities in academia\\n(14:12) Sponsor: Beehiiv\\n(15:23) Elite overproduction\\u2019s implications for politics and academia\\n(20:46) Right-Wing muckrakers and progressive institutions\\n(30:37) Misconceptions about Barack Obama\\n(31:08) The Rise of Mike Solana\\n(33:00) Evolution of progressive and conservative labels\\n(38:33) Smartest leftist\\n(40:48) American Roots of Wokeness\\n(54:20) Future of Conservatism\\n(59:59) Wrap'