AI's Influence on the Economy with Nathan Labenz

Published: March 13, 2024, 7 a.m.

b"In this episode, Noah Smith and Erik Torenberg are joined by Nathan Labenz, co-host of The Cognitive Revolution Podcast, to deep dive into AI's impact on our economy and society. They discuss how AI might affect the job market and society, drawing comparisons to past economic changes. If you\\u2019re looking for an ERP platform head to NetSuite and download your own customized KPI checklist.\\n\\nThis show is produced by Turpentine: a network of podcasts, newsletters, and more, covering technology, business, and culture \\u2014 all from the perspective of industry insiders and experts. We\\u2019re launching new shows every week, and we\\u2019re looking for industry-leading sponsors \\u2014 if you think that might be you and your company, email us at\\n-\\nRECOMMENDED PODCAST: Sourcery by Molly O'Shea\\nSourcery by Molly O\\u2019Shea brings the conversations founders and investors have behind closed doors into the light.\\xa0Subscribe for upcoming episodes with: Delian Asparouhov of Founders Fund and Varda Space, and Chris Power of Hadrian.\\nSpotify:\\nYouTube:\\n-\\nSPONSOR: NETSUITE\\n\\nNetSuite has 25 years of providing financial software for all your business needs. More than 36,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, gaining visibility and control over their financials, inventory, HR, eCommerce, and more. If you\\u2019re looking for an ERP platform head to NetSuite and download your own customized KPI checklist.\\n\\u2013\\nLinks:\\nNoah Smith's Noahpinion\\nThe Cognitive Revolution podcast\\n\\nSpotify:\\n\\n\\nApple:\\n\\n\\n\\u2013\\n\\n\\xa0X / TWITTER:\\n@labenz (Nathan)\\n@noahpinion (Noah)\\n@eriktorenberg (Erik)\\n@TurpentineMedia (Turpentine)\\n\\n\\u2013\\n\\xa0\\nTIMESTAMPS\\n(00:00) Intro\\n(00:39) AI and the Future of Employment\\n(03:48) The Intersection of AI, Robotics, and Biotech\\n(04:53) Economic Disruption\\n(06:33) Future of Jobs in an AI-Dominated World\\n(08:22) AI's Impact on Economy\\n(10:36) Pessimism Surrounding AI's Economic Impact\\n(12:21) Comparative Advantage in the AI Era\\n(14:02) AI Replacing Human Jobs\\n(19:19) Sponsor: Netsuite\\n(19:30) New Social Contract in the AI Era\\n(34:21) Human Wages in an AI-Dominated Economy\\n(39:31) Impact of AI on Job Market\\n(41:40) Fear of AI Taking Over Human Jobs\\n(47:47) Role of Government in AI Development\\n(50:06) Potential Risks and Benefits of AI\\n(53:14) Future of AI and Its Social Impact\\n(58:45) Fear of Totalitarian States and AI\\n(01:05:35) The Need for a Positive Vision for AI\\n(01:11:18) Wrap"