329 : Ryan Gardner Get Bucked up about your future! Use Amazon as one channel but build real product Ambassadors to help promote your prod

Published: Aug. 13, 2018, 3 a.m.

b"So cool to see a great guy hit one out of the park. But you know, it was built into his life! Ryan's life, Ryan's environment helped shape him into the entrepreneur he is. (His whole family is) You see you have the opportunity to create a different life for your kids by getting them involved, getting them to find the passion in your business that they love. It's there. Could be sourcing, could be listing, could be photography or social marketing. You see, let them find their lane and watch them bloom like Ryan. Great job Ryan's parents!


Ryan's email

Bucked Up


Gaye\\u2019s Million Dollar Arbitrage List


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Transcript: (note- this is a new tool I am trying out so it is not perfect- it does seem to be getting better)

Ryan:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 00:00:00\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 A person would come to us and say, Hey, I have this product or this service. All I would do is simply say, Hey, I will charge you this. Our, our affiliate network was a cost per acquisition company or a pay for performance, a company. So when somebody, when I would produce a sell for somebody, I'd say, Hey, I'm going to charge you $40 for every sale. I get you, and they'd go, great. I would just turn around to my publishers in my affiliate network and I'd pay him 35, so I would be basically a glorified broker. I'd be the middle guy putting the two people together.

Cool voice guy:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 00:00:35\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 Welcome to the ECOMMERCE. When we focus on the people, the products, and the process of ecommerce selling today, here's your host, Steven Peters in.

Stephen:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 00:00:49\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 I am excited to talk about my sponsors today, Gaye Lisbey's, million dollar arbitrage group. Amazing, amazing group. This is a teacher. This is a Gaye, she was a teacher. She is a teacher. Still. You need to learn. This is the type of environment you want to be in because she's going to help you understand why, and I think that's the hardest part of this business is understanding why. Why is the red one popular one? The green one isn't? Well, there's usually a reason and what Gaye does is probably parse that better than anybody and she'll explain the reasons for those things. I think that's really powerful. Yes, she puts out a list. You're going to get a good use of that list if you get in the group. Now here's the deal. The group isn't always open, right? So you get on the waiting list and you can join the waiting list through my link.

Stephen:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 00:01:35\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 Doesn't cost anything to get on a waiting list and if you like her service, which I find that most people do that, that's why there's not so many openings. Um, you'll be with her for a long time. And so it's amazing. Freedom Dot com. She's part of Andy Slamon's group, amazing freedom.com. Forward slash momentum. And you're going to get in the waiting list. That's all I can get you on right now. You can use my name and see if that gets you anywhere, but what I like about in the uh, what I like about what they teach in that group or the things that are going on, you know, the current things. I've seen a lot of stuff going on about stores going out of business. Well here's where an opportunity is, here's why you want to do this. Hey, be cautious about this, you know, with toys r US coming out, you've got to think about this and that's the learning that you need to do.

Stephen:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 00:02:19\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 And Gaye is better than anybody else I've seen...."