128 : Joy Packard Investing in herself first and then into her eCommerce Business. Don't miss the Life in Lifestyle Business!

Published: Sept. 8, 2016, 3 a.m.

b"Joy will tell you how much she has spent in the last 3 years on her! Yes her. She attends most conferences to expand her horizons. She attends many seminars and in person courses to expand her knowledge on many subjects. But she attends many things for her, she will tell you about them in this episode. A perfect example of balancing a life full of LIFE! Get ready to be inspired, motivated and most importantly get ready to move. Joy will help you get going.



Joy's first Interview #23

Joy Packard.com

The 5 Minute Journal


Questions we answer from Amazing Flips & Tips group

Q- I dipped my toes into Merchant Fulfilled trying to get comfortable before Q4. I am concerned about customer questions and am looking fr any tricks you can share.

Q- Regarding the Walmart Market Place and inventory management. Do you have experience with Channel Advisor or Geekseller who both take a % of sales as fees? Any others?

Q- Private Label. A large shipping company from China went bankrupt and had boats turned around at the US docks. Any advice on how to handle?
