125 : Nate McCallister Creating tools to help you source and make better buying decisions for your eCommerce business

Published: Aug. 29, 2016, 3 a.m.

b'So this interview was done a day or so after Amazon made some significant changes to the platform related to products and brand restrictions. We do beat that horse a little and we had very little information to go on other than speculation and wild guesses. Our conjecture will be entertaining, however not very informative. Since this was recorded more information has come out and you should refer to that for better guidance. We also spend time answering questions related to sourcing, profit and guilt over making a profit selling items.




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Nates prior Interview #38



Q - What is the minimum net profit you use when sourcing?

Q - Please explain what "Sufficient Inventory Alert" means when I scan an item for Amazon.

Q - Does anyone feel guilty about buying a book for $1.00 and selling it for a higher (much) price?

