119 : Kristen Ostrander Full Time FBA along And Full Time Mom Bundling Wholesale to create your own Private Label (80% of her sales are

Published: Aug. 8, 2016, 6:56 a.m.

b'Kristen is very clear: She is a Mom and Wife first and an entrepreneur second! Her clarity has allowed (maybe forced) her to create a limited time business model. She is willing to give "X" amount of time and the family stuff \\xa0has to come first. Does this interest you, do you think there\\xa0is a "Life" style business that you can do? Kristen will tell you there is a way to create a business you will love and it can let you be a part of your kids life! In this segment we also talk about the method of using wholesale to create a poor man\'s bundle, your own bundle! Having a listing that you own as you created it with items that are hard to put together gives you the same effect. Kristin\'s sales are 80% bundles and most of this stuff comes frm wholesale!
Mommy Income Q 4 Jump start Course
Mommy Income Wholesale Class
Mommy Income Bundle Class
Mommy Income
Kristin\'s Facebook
Kristin\'s Previous Interview # 5
Questions we answer-
Q - Do you think it is too late to send in any more "Back to School" supplies? (Recorded 1st week of August)
Q - Can you explain the notice from Amazon we all got in regards to higher fees in October, November and December?
Q - Does anyone ever pay someone to create a listing for them?
"Baby steps are still steps"
"What would be more convenient spending times chasing retail arbitrage to bundle items or having someone put together wholesale items that are delivered to your door in a bundle"
"What would be more convenient to but together versus chasing down each one?"
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