117 : Matt Carlett – Stay at Home Dad talks about what staying home has done for his family- Also Merch by Amazon with 1k designs live!

Published: Aug. 1, 2016, 3 a.m.

Get ready to talk about Merch by Amazon with Matt Carlett. Matt is a stay-at-home dad who was brought home by Jim Cockrum's My Silent Team course and has absolutely made the most of his time with his kids. We spend some time catching up since our last interview (#9) from about a year ago and then answer some questions from Sam Cohen's ACE- Amazon Consulting Experts and then we move on to discuss Merch by Amazon. Merch by Amazon is really a perfect business model with very little out of pocket, and a real ability to scale up to advanced tiers where royalties can become significant. I also like that you don't need to know Photoshop, art, design as you can outsource all of these if you desire.
"Every Shirt I create or Design is an Asset, I create it once and let it go"
"I have sold more than 600 shirts of one design alone since I started"
Matt's First Interview we did together
Matt's Facebook contact
Chris Green's Merch Book
Merch by Amazon Facebook Group
Jim Cockrum's My Silent Team Training Course
Questions we discuss:
Q: We have noticed that in the last week all of our shoes are going to a California warehouse and this is taking 10 additional days for stuff to get up for sale and a lot more expensive. Is there a way to prevent this?
Q: Any guidance on getting your brand restricted?
Q: Spending some time repricing, how often do you reprice?
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