107 : Jeff Howard Building out a team, 1/3 rule scale questions and goal setting for a maturing eCommerce business!

Published: June 26, 2016, 9:13 p.m.

b"Jeff is a guy who knows how lucky he is to be doing what he loves! Acting, yes Acting! His eCommerce business allows him to have the lifestyle he wants, how many of us want to do something but because of work/life/other commitments do not allow us? He explains how he does it and how you can do it also. We answer questions from My Inventory Teams Facebook Group.
Things mentioned:
Jeff's facebook Contact
My Inventory Team
John Bullard\\xa0Interview
Assad Siddiqi Interview
Jeff's previous Interview
Dan Meadors Interview\\xa0FBA Wholesale Community
Andy Slamans\\xa0Private Label Course Interview
Todd Lammi's Wholesale Interview
Scanner Monkey Group
Psycho Path- Jeff's Haunted Attraction Acting Gig
Clicky Fingers - Scary stuff!
Questions we discuss:
Q- 1/3rd Rule- Can you scale it to a full time model?
Q- When building a team should you hire a Generalist or a Specialist?
Q- What are your 3 Goals for this year?
The post 107 : Jeff Howard \\u2013 Building out a team, 1/3 rule scale questions and goal setting for a maturing eCommerce business! appeared first on eCommerce Momentum."