099 : Jason Clark Solid work ethic + add in some smarts + add in a growing network = Incredible results on his terms!

Published: May 30, 2016, 11:08 a.m.

Jason is a solid seller who happens to work smarter and gives some real advice: Source/Ship, Source/Ship = Four days of scale-able success. Just set your target (Goal) and stay consistent week-in/week-out and guess what....you get the results you were seeking! Solid advice we all really need to hear: Work consistently hard with a real target (Goal) in mind and you get great results. That\'s how you get unstuck and Jason gives some real advice that will hit home with many of us.
Jason mentioned:
The Green Room University - Inside The Green Room University you will have access to our thriving community who will be there to help you grow, support you when you\\u2019re feeling down, and give you the added boost of motivation to continue moving forward.
Jason\'s Facebook Contact\\xa0
Jason\'s Periscope info
"Continue to knowledge up"
"If you were born in Vegas, you are a Vegas Guy!"
"You\'re goal should be to be Happy Dad!"
"If I think it is worth devouring, I will jump in with both feet until I master it!"
"It is just a transaction, take the emotions out of the buying decision"
Golden Nuggets:
If you are struggling to find things to source, you need to grow your knowledge base.
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