096 : Chris Dupuis Bonafide Hustler working hard on mental health! Yes you need excellent physical and Mental health to be really successf

Published: May 19, 2016, 7 a.m.

Chris "The Bonafide Hustler" is a tough read! He is a very fit, very muscular almost intimidating hulk of a figure, yet..... he is a very well educated, corporate-type individual you could meet in the boardroom, yet..... he has an emotional side where he wants to help everyone! Again a tough read. But I love the way this interview moved to life and lifestyle choices. If you are listening to this you either are an successful eCommerce seller or you want to be! So we\\xa0as sellers\\xa0tend to over commit our efforts at the detriment of something else, your social life, your family or most likely your health both physical and mental. Chris is here to tell you that you need to put your mental health absolutely first. He puts an enormous amount of time into his physical health don\'t miss that, but most of his time is living life, with friends, his wife and himself! I hope you take something away that makes you act on both your physical and mental health today!
Chris mentioned:
Green Room University
Gary Vanyerchuk Youtube Channel
Tai Lopez Youtube Channel
Bonafide Hustler Facebook Page
Bod Damn Youtube Channel
Bonafide Hustler Youtube Channel
"You can become anybody in Austin"
"The Antique Booth allows me not to pass on large, amazing old things"
"You can do anything you want, there are no rules"
Golden Nuggets
In any town, there are Vistas where you can go to get your head right! Take the time every other day at least!
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