095 : Barrington McIntosh Excited, enthusiastic, eCommerce expert focused on International selling on Amazon

Published: May 16, 2016, 7 a.m.

Barrington\'s story has been well told in many circles and at many conferences. But what I love about talking with Barrington, you realize that his life is really your life, his challenges parallel almost everyone\'s life in one way or another. Life will happen to you, if not yet, it will. How you deal with it, how you rise up from the lows, how you even out the negative situations in your life as they come will define you for the rest of your life. Learn now, learn from others, set up a better way, on your schedule a way to pull away and take care of the important things in your life. Barrington will tell you it\'s selling on Amazon.
Barrington mentioned:
Barringtons Facebook
Barringtons International Program\\xa0- As part of Jim Cockrum\'s Proven Amazon Course offering
MM8 Group\\xa0\\u2013\\xa0We are a group of 8 entrepreneurs who have joined forces to share ideas and build our businesses together. Since becoming a group, each of our businesses has grown tremendously due to the sharing of ideas and synergy created.\\xa0We have a combined revenue of $3.1 million in sales last year and want to help you take your business to the next level.
"I can get time to focus on the important stuff: my Family, that\'s my why"
"Business relationships are like a currency"
"Focus on one thing until successful"
Golden Nuggets:
Become the Marketing Arm for the Brands you represent!
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