091 : Liran Hirschkorn Solid Business Execution brings Solid Business Results Oh he is also into goal setting! (Maybe that's a clue?)

Published: May 2, 2016, 7 a.m.

Liran is a very\\xa0solid eCommerce seller, very disciplined, very focused and most importantly he is goal oriented! He has goals for everything in business, but more importantly IN life! Guess what, when you are an entrepreneur your life will creep into your business and vice-versa. By setting goals in all that you do you are : a better father, better husband (or wife), better son, better brother, better friend and a much better business owner! Get ready to get you stuff together!
Liran mentioned:
Sourcing on Amazon Ecommerce Momentum podcast special waiting list! (click here to message Liran to get on his waiting list- mention that you heard about the secret waiting list on this podcast!)
"If you write down what you want to achieve, you will move towards it"
"Write down an unreasonable goal for your business, Make it a stretch goal"
"Proper planning prevents poor performance"
"When you have more confidence in a niche, you can speak with more authority and get more accounts"
"Know where you are going before you get there"
"Every bad buy or mistake in sourcing is a lesson to get you closer to your goal"
Golden Nuggets:
Source Higher priced items and you can source less and make just as much money. Use you time wisely!
To get to the next level, you will need to step out of your comfort zone!
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