089 : Craig Maxwell Lifestyle Business Success allows him to serve others from the other side of the table!

Published: April 25, 2016, 7 a.m.

Craig Maxwell is a real inspiration as a dad (of six!), husband, son and eCommerce Seller. He puts in the effort, around his life (his family), to achieve his goals. Having strong goals and an incredible life can co-exist, they don\'t have to be mutually exclusive and Craig is a shining example of what can be! Understand one thing, Craig puts in the effort AND helps others, therefore he gets help!
Craig mentioned:
IFreedom Facebook Group
"An Entrepreneur is someone who gladly turns in a 40 hour workweek for their own 80 hour work week!"
"If you don\'t weigh yourself, you really never know if you lost weight! You need to measure yourself and your results"
"How do you eat an Elephant? You outsource it!"
"If you\'re stuck reach out to others!"
Golden Nuggets:
Set monetary goals really high, it will motivate you to achieve them!
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