086: Barbara Drazga Overcoming obstacles, Establishing your own marketplace, Making strong decisions!

Published: April 14, 2016, 7 a.m.

Barbara is direct and to the point: She will be successful despite of circumstances, challenges and problems that will arise! She is creative, hard-charging and certain in her strategy. One of my\\xa0biggest takeaways is how she created her own market on Facebook: Barbaras Funky Treasures\\xa0where she can market to her group (her audience +1200 members). Genius! This is a pick yourself up, dust yourself off and put your head down and do the work interview! No coddling here, won\'t be tolerated, you can do it, the market opportunities are incredible!
Barbara mentioned:
Barbaras Funky Treasures - Facebook group
Deal Diva Facebook Group
Posh Linens
Robyn Johnson Podcast
Taming Overwhelm Notes
Barbara\'s Truisms
"Panic is the mother of invention"
"Make excuses or take action, you can\'t do both at the same time"
"Once you have been successful, you know how to make money"
"Learn from everyone, follow no one"
Golden Nuggets:
Design a lifestyle that would fit your business and see if that is where you want to go? If not, then change your business!
Mitigate your risk: based on price, buy them all, bundle the product for exclusivity!
Make a stop doing list! Then\\xa0quit doing them!
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