085 : Margaret Collier Success on Etsy! Oh and Ebay, Amazon , Youtube and practically anything else that comes along!

Published: April 11, 2016, 7 a.m.

I really enjoyed Margaret\'s hustle. She is using all of the major eCommerce markets to sell, and she is doing well on all! I was looking for someone doing well on Etsy for a while. Not saying there are not many that are, they just travel in different circles, I have Jason T. Smith to thank for connecting us. If you are looking for another channel to sell on, of course there is Ebay (and several other smaller less traffic\'d sites) but consider Etsy. So you will not be able to sell your Amazon returns but imagine selling high end collectibles? Could this be a great fill in revenue stream that helps keep you interested in the business? There is a very real risk of this becoming a proverbial "JOB"! Not saying it is not work, rather you don\'t need a job! You need an income, something that keeps you interested, focused on living a life!
Margaret mentioned:
Poshmark, Mecari, Bonanza
International League of Thrifters Facebook group
Texas Gal Treasures Youtube Channel
"If you focus energy on a channel, it will be successful"
"What you focus on expands!"
Golden Nuggets:
Share what you are doing and others will join in so you can learn.
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