082 : Dylan Frost An Executives perspective on working in someone else's eCommerce Business! He gets to share the Success!

Published: March 31, 2016, 7 a.m.

Are you ready to add a level in your business? Are you ready to give up control? Can you see someone else having direct input in the day-to-day operations of your business? Maybe... Dylan Frost is a different kind of hire than what you might be thinking, not a packer, sourcer or clean up guy...He\'s in Marketing, yes Marketing. Why would you need such a position....Listen and hear what he does for Dan and Eric\'s business, think his skill set would help your business scale as quickly? (Apologize for the audio quality..definitely a mic issue at his warehouse, but the content is so strong I kept it)
Dylan mentioned:
FBA Wholesale Community Facebook Group
Dylan\'s Facebook Contact
dylan.krc@gmail.com - Dylans email address
"Surround yourself with the smartest people you know"
"Companies are looking for the long term protection of their products, they need to have confidence that you will too"
"If you do a good time in training middle management, they will train their staffs well also"
Golden Nuggets:
Change your email to a real business name, ie: \\xa0 \\xa0steve@ecommercemomentum.com vs bob @ gmail.com
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