081 : Pat Rich A different approach to Wholesale Sourcing fine-tuned over 10 years selling on Ebay made for a great transition to Amazon!

Published: March 28, 2016, 7 a.m.

Pat Rich is a very experienced seller who started wholesaling for Ebay out of necessity. She learned early on what worked, how to dropship, how to negotiate and how to leverage terms. This "foundation" work has allowed her and a partner to expand heavily into Amazon at a competitive advantage, they already had the product, the know-how and relationships necessary to add another channel. I really believe if another platform came along, they could just add, wash , rinse and repeat!
Pat mentioned:
Pat\'s Facebook
Tradeshow and Wholesale Sourcing Facebook Group
Wholesale is Easy Course
Kole Imports Wholesale and Prep Services
ecrater - (I Must admit I didn\'t know this platform was still active but it works for Pat!)\\xa0eCRATER is both a free web store builder and an online marketplace. If you are a seller you can create your own free online store in minutes. If you are a buyer you can browse and search among millions of products. All eligible products are submitted to Google Shopping. You can also easily import your eBay products.\\xa0The development of the eCRATER began in the early spring of 2004. After many hours of hard work, eCRATER finally went live in its beta version in the early fall of 2004. Since then, we have constantly been adding new features while also trying to keep the original "clean and simple" look.
"It\'s more work owning your own business than holding down a job, it\'s a 24 hour a day job"
"If you do wholesale, you can sit on the beach and never touch the product, you get a lower ROI, but it can be done"
Golden Nuggets:
Most people run from work, put in the work and you will be successful
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