073 : Jeff Cohen Seller Labs -Use Feedback Genius to Grow Sales! The Sales rep that works for $40 a month! (Guess what-they don't take a d

Published: Feb. 29, 2016, 8 a.m.

Jeff Cohen is everywhere! He is at every event, every Trade Show, every Conference...this guy gets around! But, one conversation with Jeff and you will look forward to seeing him, you will be thankful that he is there. He is there to answer your questions, give you advice on your business and to tell one heck of a story. An all-around great guy who gets it..he really does and in this interview you will understand why. He was where you are, an eCommerce Seller looking to grow your business. Now he helps others grow their business and spend their time doing more of what they love and lets you leave the feedback to them!
Jeff mentioned:
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"You can plan for all the things you want, but you really have to deliver to get results"
"Fear of failing is what holds people back from success"
Golden Nuggets:
Change your business approach to a "Sprint" model, move quick and fast with concise goals and defined time periods
The post 073 : Jeff Cohen \\u2013 Seller Labs -Use Feedback Genius to Grow Sales! The Sales rep that works for $40 a month! (Guess what-they don\\u2019t take a day off!) appeared first on eCommerce Momentum.'