066 : Jason T Smith Thrift Hunter shows how to turn a Lifestyle into a Lifestyle Business

Published: Feb. 4, 2016, 8 a.m.

Jason is a character for sure, he knows it, he embraces it and gives you the chance to accept it or not! Either way, he knows you will remember him. Jason is very down to earth, very clear on his path and truly realizes that one thing leads to another. We spend a lot of time talking about how his life events have lead him all the way to a TV show (that was on for two seasons!) \\xa0and more importantly how his life has given him the options to do what he wants for the last 9 years and his plan is to take it all the way to the end of his life! He plans on thrifting in a scooter!
Jason mentioned:
The Thrifting Board Facebook Group
Thrifty Business with Jay and Nay - Youtube channel
Jason\'s Facebook
"Taking four elderly parents to Hawaii is like herding four cats"
"Connecting with people all over the world and having people say you changed their life makes this the best job ever!"
"Take the emotions out of your business, it is a business!"
Golden Nuggets:
Notable- Jason won the most valuable monster for his evil clown work! (True story!)
Hiring an assistant is the first step in growing your business
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