060 : Bob Steele Part Time Seller (with an advantage) with more than Full Time Results, and of course having a job and a business is not e

Published: Jan. 14, 2016, 8 a.m.

Bob is laid back, comes across as no worries, I can handle your stress (Since he doesn\'t carry his own) successful seller. He has a full time job for a company he has worked for 30+ years and it gave him a well-earned advantage: He knows how to buy... He is a purchasing manager. Guess what we all bring something unique to this business and in Bob\'s case he brings a great skill. Bob has built an almost seven figure business out of his house part time. So if you know someone who says they are too busy, they have too much going on, you wouldn\'t understand the stress I am under type of person...Bob would tell them to talk to the hand, he has earned the right to make excuses...but guess what...not happening! put your head down and do the work!
Bob mentioned:
Elite Product Sourcing-\\xa0Providing Actionable Product Finds For Resale on Online Marketplaces
Bob\'s contact info
"No matter how much money you spend trying to get your own site visibility, you can never come close to Amazon\'s reach!"
"My business was suffering as I couldn\'t get the piles processed fast enough"
Golden Nuggets:
One of the ways I\\xa0really grew my business was moving to a prep center\\xa0
Before you move to a prep center, ask what vendors will not ship to them! (some won\'t ship to a reseller prep center)
The post 060 : Bob Steele \\u2013 Part Time Seller (with an advantage) with more than Full Time Results, and of course having a job and a business is not enough so he helped launch a sourcing group! appeared first on eCommerce Momentum.'