059 : Agus Purwanto Young Gun # 4 New Seller finds a way to get onto an experienced team! Hint...It includes the words: Making a real Cont

Published: Jan. 11, 2016, 8 a.m.

b'Agus is a hyper-focused, high-charging, work until successful seller who has found his calling. He has grown his sales 6x this year and he is quick to give credit to the "Young Gun" group of Six and his ability to lean on them when he needs it. How many of us have a real group of friends, who love what you do as much as you do? How many of us have a group of friends willing to challenge your whining and complaining in order to help you pull yourself out of the funk? How many of us have truly given without expectation? Really given? I love the way Agus tells us how he was able to contribute, even as a newbie, but before he contributed, he made sure he was right! Not just vocal! How many times have we all seen this.
Another thing Agus spends time on is investing in his education. He got coaching, he read books, he watched videos, etc.... As Mitchell Lipp would call it: "You have to buy time in this business!"
Agus mentioned:
Fast Turns\\xa0Coaching with Duane Malek\\xa0- Coaching for Amazon\'s FBA
Connect with Agus
Duane Malek\'s Interview
Karen Isgur-Bergsagel
Matt Kelly\'s Interview
Mitchell Lipp (aka Harvey Spectre)\'s Interview
Todd Forster\'s Interview
"Don\'t grow quickly, as growing quickly requires debts, and debts can (will) get you into trouble"
"Hate to tell you, there is no shortcut, invest in RA when starting"
Golden Nuggets:
Invest in your education: Books, courses, coaches, and most importantly meetups and conferences!
Shipping everyday will make the difference to your business.
The post 059 : Agus Purwanto \\u2013 Young Gun # 4 \\u2013 New Seller finds a way to get onto an experienced team! Hint\\u2026It includes the words: Making a real Contribution! appeared first on eCommerce Momentum.'