055 : Irma Dehoyos-Rojas Applying an Ivy League education to a Growing Amazon eCommerce Business.. Want to guess what happens!

Published: Dec. 28, 2015, 8 a.m.

Irma is the proverbial Coal Mine success story! (Ok not really but she did work in a coal mine!) This is one well-education seller. From undergrad at Princeton on to an MBA from Kellogg School at Northwestern University, Irma is destined (some would say programmed) for incredible business success. She delivers in a big way. What you are about to hear is someone who went to Business school, learned how to create, set-up and continuously run a successful business. I love the breakdown of steps, the consistent approach that we can all learn from. Sit back, listen once, take notes, contemplate, then go listen again and then create a plan of action and as Irma would say...Now go AND take action. (Most won\'t, so taking the first step already sets you apart. Go, go, go......
Irma mentioned:
Google trends\\xa0- Learn what others are searching for
Irma\'s Facebook
Irma\'s email - salsadancelover@gmail.com
"I get immediate feedback from selling on Amazon"
"We don\'t know what we know or what we don\'t know"
"I look for trends..I want to be at the BEGINNING of a trend, not at the end"
"Having well-trained, reliable employees that you can count on, allows me to focus on what I love to do: Develop future bundles, find great sources for them and increase sales!"
"If your dreams are not scaring you...they are not big enough!"
Golden Nuggets:
Spend out of meeting time with other sellers, that\'s where the real value happens at a conference
Irma says she purposefully does not have a warehouse, she uses an office building, she does not want to carry inventory, she wants the best that Amazon has to offer
Create a Learning Budget, where you spend time learning from others
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