053 : Karin Isgur Bergsagel Formula Making the most of a full Life of preparation equals Success in eCommerce

Published: Dec. 21, 2015, 8 a.m.

b'Karin or KIB as we all know her is such a breath of fresh air. She tells us her age, 63, and also credits her age with her success. She sees the events of her life, and there have been challenging events, as the steps of preparation to success. So it doesn\'t matter where you start, as long as you start. She is 63 and having the most fun of her life. She hangs out in a group known as the "Young Guns", a group who have mega-success based on incredible efforts and more-importantly incredible communication with each other and she holds her own! She seems to have the ability to relate with whomever she is with, I am guessing that is the Compassionate Nurse coming out in her? The thing I took away from this interview is that I need to up my game, I need to build better relationships, I need to read a lot more, I need to study success and more importantly I need to act!
Karin mentioned:
Karin\'s Facebook Contact
"Bloom where your planted, we all have advantages and we all have challenges"
"No excuses"
"What other opportunity is there where you can put in the effort and see the results like this?"
"Is it easy, no, but it works!"\\xa0
"I don\'t think of myself as an entrepreneur, I am a FBA hack!"
"What gets you to one level, is not necessarily what will get you to the next level"
Golden Nuggets:
Realize that you can do it, it is really that simple.\\xa0
Look at each success, no matter how small, as "aha" moments that prove you are on the right path and that you can do it.
This business allows me to do what I love and give back (to the Library), find a way to help those who helped you along the way.
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