004 : Stephen Smotherman Work from Home Dad

Published: July 2, 2015, 7:01 a.m.

b'I am going\\xa0to call Stephen "Mr. Foundation". He\\xa0takes a block-by-block approach to building his life and his business. The newly married father of four young boys has found a great "partnered approach" way to grow a successful family and business. Stephen is an author and just released his third book: The Resellers Guide to A Year in FBA this week where he talks about the highs and lows of selling on Amazon and specifically how he has been able to achieve success.


Stephen\'s Blog: Full Time FBA



The Reseller\'s Guide to A Year in FBA



Stephens other books:\\xa0


The Reseller\'s Guide to Board Games




Married to Reselling - w/ 5 Bonuses



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"Failure is an event, not a person!"

"Focus stands for: Follow One Course Until Successful!"
