000 : Welcome to the eCommerce Momentum Podcast

Published: June 18, 2015, 11:54 p.m.



I\\u2019m Stephen Peterson, creator of The Ecommerce Momentum Podcast and Blog. If you\\u2019ve been selling in the Online world but feel stuck , this podcast\\xa0is for you! We will delve into\\xa0the information you need to get unstuck, gather steam and quickly grow your own Amazon/Ebay Business!

We will focus on the:

People- The traits, training, coaching opportunities to develop skill sets necessary to excel in today's eCommerce world.

Products- Whether it be selling on Ebay, Amazon, Etsy, your own web site we will discuss opportunities to improve your sources, improve your mix to gain momentum.

Process- This is where the rubber meets the road. We will primarily focus on improving your process, how others were able to scale up their business to very successful levels, some well over $1,000,000 in annual sales.


The most common things I hear from Sellers are they can\\u2019t go full time, they do not have enough money, they are out of time! I get it, we all have some limitations (some self-imposed) our goal with this podcast is to help you step over/under/plow-through to achieve your goals.

Welcome aboard!"