Does stevia cause infertility? Dr. Jockers is doing an in-depth report on stevia and whether it\u2019s beneficial to your health. Spoiler alert: Dr. Jockers and his wife use stevia and have had four kids and so Dr. Jockers doesn\u2019t consider stevia to be a problem.
However, he is going over how people have come to question stevia and the links between the sweet sugar substitute and infertility. It all starts with a fascinating story of how the Mato-Grasso Indians in Paraguay first used stevia.
There\u2019s also an in-depth article that accompanies this episode that you can find in the link below. Join Dr. Jockers as he looks at all the evidence and clinical studies done on stevia and presents a well-informed opinion. Please join us.
In This Episode:\xa0
05:30 What is stevia?
07:30 What do the studies tell us?\xa0
08:20 Who doesn\u2019t repsond well to stevia?
09:25 Stevia and infertility: what\u2019s the controversy?
10:05 Lessons from the first two stevia studies
11:55 Giving hamsters stevia - what happened?\xa0
14:49 Why stevia isn\u2019t approved by the FDA
16:05 Dr. Jockers\u2019 advice on using stevia
18:23 The Good News!
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\u201cWhen it comes to any sort of herb or natural compound, you can take too much."
-\xa0Dr. Jockers.
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