Q & A on Healthy Weight Loss, Immune Nutrients, Infertility & Mold in the Sinuses

Published: Jan. 23, 2024, noon


What is the best fat-burning plan to try out if you\'re looking for healthy weight loss? What is the protocol for getting mold out of the sinuses? What are the key nutrient deficiencies associated with the immune system?


So many good questions! You guessed it... coming in hot on the heels of our 400th episode comes Dr. Jockers\' first Q&A of the year!


Learn about the key nutrients that you may be deficient in if you are struggling to get pregnant. And how to deal with an upper respiratory infection in a young child.\\xa0


There\'s great advice on healthy ways to lose weight and fight the flu with the right nutritional supplements.\\xa0


As always, Dr. Jockers provides a great holistic oversight in his answers to listener questions. So please stick around, we\'re sure that you\'ll learn something and enjoy this episode!



In This Episode:


  • How can I lose ten pounds in sixty days?\\xa0

  • How a high protein diet stimulates satiety

  • What foods should you avoid when dieting?

  • The importance of light exercise and regular movement

  • How to dial in your circadian rhythm

  • The benefits of a cold shower

  • Deep sweat with an infra-red sauna

  • Are nutrient deficiencies associated with flu?

  • How much supplemental zinc should you take?\\xa0

  • How can you get mold out of your sinuses?\\xa0

  • What nutrients can you take to increase your chances of conception?

  • Zinc as the #1 nutrient for fertility

  • What is safe to give a 2.5-year-old with an upper respiratory infection?

  • How to nebulize Glutathione

  • How to support your child with the right probiotics

This podcast is sponsored by ShopC60.com. C60 is a powerful, Nobel Prize-winning antioxidant, that helps to optimize mitochondrial function, fights inflammation, and neutralizes toxic free radicals!


I\\u2019m a big fan of using C60 in conjunction with your keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle to support your immune system, help your body detox, and increase energy and mental clarity.\\xa0


My favorite C60 products for Keto & IF lifestyles include C60 Purple Power in Organic MCT Coconut Oil (you can add this to your coffee) and their delicious Sugar-Free C60 Gummies (made with allulose and monk fruit)!


If you are over the age of 40, and you\\u2019d like to kick fatigue and brain fog to the curb this year, visit\\xa0shopc60.com\\xa0and use the coupon code \\u201cJOCKERS\\u201d for 15% OFF\\xa0 and start taking back control over your health today!


Vitamin C is a critical compound when it comes to supporting the immune system. It\'s also really good for your skin - and for your energy!


Paleovalley\'s Essential C Complex is a really powerful, pure Vitamin C supplement. Unlike most Vitamin C supplements, it contains zero synthetic ingredients. In fact it\'s made from three of the most potent Vitamin C sources on Earth!\\xa0


Get a stronger immune system, healthier skin, and more energy today! Check out Paleovalley\'s Essential C Complex at\\xa0paleovalley.com/jockers


\\xa0\\u201cIf I\'m going to lose ten pounds over the next sixty days, the first thing I\'m going to do is a blood sugar-stabilizing nutrition plan."\\xa0

-Dr. David Jockers


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Connect with Dr. Jockers:

If you are interested in being a guest on the show, we would love to hear from you!\\xa0Please contact us here!\\xa0-\\xa0https://drjockers.com/join-us-dr-jockers-functional-nutrition-podcast/
