10 Ways to Optimize Human Growth Hormone

Published: May 19, 2022, 7 a.m.

b'Today\'s episode is proudly sponsored by\\xa0Metabolic Reds\\xa0by\\xa0PureHealth Research.\\xa0Metabolic Reds\\xa0is an innovative superfood blend that combines 23 antioxidant-rich red fruits, 4 probiotics, 4 adaptogens, and 6 digestive enzymes \\u2013 all in one delicious, berry-flavored scoop you drink every morning.\\xa0Metabolic Reds\\xa0is the perfect way to start your day. It promotes smooth energy, healthy skin, and a trim waistline, and it keeps your fat-burning metabolism primed. Go to:\\xa0getreds.com/JOCKERS\\xa0to unlock your offer of a free Metabolic Greens with your purchase of Metabolic Reds.


Today\\u2019s episode is also proudly sponsored by Paleovalley and its 100% grass-fed beef and 100% pasture-raised turkey meat sticks, one of the choice snacks in my household.\\xa0 Hurry and grab yours from\\xa0Paleovalley.com\\xa0and be sure to use code JOCKERS at checkout for an extra 15% off!


What are growth hormones and why do we need them? Growth hormones are compounds that are released by the master gland to optimize growth, cell repair, and metabolism. They produce other hormones that are working together to support our body compositions and maintain the health of our tissues and organs. Discover the key strategies to naturally boost the production of human growth hormones.


\\u201cInsulin and growth hormones are antagonists. Insulin is the dominant player. We want low insulin to get the growth hormone effect.\\u201d

-David Jockers


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In This Episode:


- This quintessential anti-aging hormone impacts the human body in 8 different ways\\u2026


- Discover the facets of growth hormones and what happens to them as we get older.


- These are the 6 serious potential risks of using synthetic hormones\\u2026


- Here are the 10 different ways you can optimize your growth hormones.


- Check out the 8 major compounds and supplements that support the production of growth hormones.




-\\xa0Metabolic Reds\\xa0\\u2013 get FREE Metabolic Greens with your purchase of Metabolic Reds

-Paleovalley Beef Sticks\\xa0\\u2013 Use Code JOCKERS for 15% off

-\\xa0Chronic Inflammation Summit


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