Data Starts At Home

Published: Aug. 26, 2020, 1:46 p.m.

b'What makes a successful company in 2020? Is it revenue or market share? Or is it something else? Today\\u2019s podcast posits that the answer is a lot more technical than that.\\n\\nTC Riley, the host of Diving into Data, discusses the importance of data literacy across all levels of a company. \\n\\nIn today\\u2019s world, it\\u2019s not enough to \\u201cjust\\u201d have a data department. Company leaders must invest resources into helping their employees understand and leverage data in their day-to-day work. \\n\\nWhy? Well, this is 2020 -- more than ever before, data is crucial for the success of any company. Just as the human body doesn\\u2019t perform as well when it\\u2019s sick, clunky or misguided data practices will weigh any business down too. What\\u2019s important now is setting up a new data structure with designated leaders to enforce best data practices at all times. \\n\\nAnalyzing a company\\u2019s human resources data can also reveal future leaders to nurture and bring to their full potential. In fact, DataQuest found that leveraging data can be more effective than past performance in identifying leadership potential. \\n\\nWhat does this mean for current company leaders?\\n\\nFor one, they\\u2019ll need to invest more resources into creating a data-literate workforce. Future leaders must be able to understand data in order to take their company to new heights. So, there\\u2019s no better time than now to upskill employees and break down \\u201cdata silos.\\u201d \\n\\nSecondly, the need for clean data practices cannot be understated. By identifying data issues now, company leaders can avoid costly fixes later on. By bringing in entire teams to process and analyze data, leaders can cover these two points at the same time.'