Sleep Apnea SCAM: Why CPAP Masks FAIL 50% of Users! I Benjamin Cilento DSH #489

Published: June 14, 2024, 1 p.m.

b'\\U0001f631 Sleep Apnea SCAM: Why CPAP Masks FAIL 50% of Users! \\U0001f631\\n\\nEver wondered why CPAP masks, the so-called gold standard for curing sleep apnea, fail half of their users? Tune in now as Dr. Benjamin Cilento, a renowned ENT and sleep apnea expert, joins Sean Kelly on the Digital Social Hour podcast to spill the truth behind this shocking statistic. \\U0001f399\\ufe0f\\n\\nIn this eye-opening episode, Dr. Benjamin Cilento reveals why 50% of people abandon their CPAP masks within the first year and shares alternative solutions that actually work! Discover the real reasons behind snoring, sleep apnea, and why nasal obstructions play a crucial role in these conditions. \\U0001f319\\n\\nDr. Benjamin Cilento also dives into his personal journey, from being a facial plastic surgeon to becoming "The Snoring Doctor," and explains how a simple 15-minute nasal procedure can transform your sleep and overall health. \\U0001f6cc\\U0001f4a4\\n\\nDon\'t miss out on this episode packed with valuable insights and insider secrets on how to achieve better sleep and health. Watch now and subscribe for more eye-opening stories on the Digital Social Hour with Sean Kelly! \\U0001f4fa Hit that subscribe button and stay tuned for more exclusive conversations. \\U0001f680\\n\\n#DigitalSocialHour #SeanKelly #Podcast #SleepApnea #CPAPMasks #Snoring #Health #Wellness #ENT #BenjaminSalento\\n\\n#MouthBreathing #BetterBreathing #SeanKelly #CpapMaskIssues #SleepApneaCure\\n\\nCHAPTERS:\\n0:00 - Intro\\n0:39 - Dr. Benjamin Cilento Personal Experience with Snoring and Sleep Apnea\\n4:21 - What Causes Snoring\\n6:08 - What is Sleep Apnea\\n12:24 - Do Sleep Trackers Work\\n17:20 - Do Nasal Strips Work\\n19:15 - How Do Sleep Studies Work\\n21:04 - Butterfly Med\\n22:43 - Redfield Ranch\\n24:10 - Fasting Benefits\\n25:55 - Peptides Explained\\n29:01 - Immortality Concepts\\n30:30 - Living to 1000 Years\\n32:18 - Closing Thoughts\\n\\nAPPLY TO BE ON THE PODCAST:\\nBUSINESS INQUIRIES/SPONSORS:\\n\\nGUEST: Dr. Benjamin Cilento\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nSPONSORS:\\nDeposyt Payment Processing:\\n\\nLISTEN ON:\\nApple Podcasts:\\nSpotify:\\nSean Kelly Instagram:\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'