Relationship with God

Published: June 10, 2018, 10 a.m.


Ex1-19 Redemption by God->Ex20-40 Relationship with God
Religion says, if I obey, God will love and accept me. But the Gospel says, if I know in my heart that God loves me and accepts me freely by grace, then I will begin to obey, out of inner joy and gratitude.

In Exodus 25-27 you have the detailed instruction on building out of the tabernacle and in Exodus 37-39 you have the almost verbatim obedience to building it out.

The Relationship with God (obedience) that saving faith produces will involve Hearing God\\u2019s Word (Ex25-27), Wrestling to Believe God\\u2019s Word (Ex32-34) and Doing God\\u2019s Word (Ex37-39).
