Wall-E: biodegradable plastics, waste management, and space cattle

Published: Aug. 7, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

b'Space settlement \\n\\n

The economics of leaving Earth. Settling the inner and outer solar system. The Expanse. Space cattle and other space resources (water, mineral).

\\n\\n Garbage - in spaaace! \\n\\n

Garbage in space aka space junk. Cleaning up space junk. Giant nets as a major cleanup strategy.

\\n\\n Garbage - on Eaaaarth! \\n\\n

Modern waste management. What to do with municipal solid waste. Leachate. The difference between dumps and landfills and the interesting energy-reclamation technology involved in cutting edge WTE facilities.

\\n\\n Plastic \\n\\n

Massive plastic appreciation. How plastics ushered in the modern world. A lament for wasteful use of \\u201cdisposable\\u201d plastic products. Microplastics in the water. Biodegradable plastics. The discovery of plastic-eating bacteria. Speeding up nature to digest plastic now. The coming plague of plastic-eating bacteria.

\\n\\n \\u201cDe-evolution\\u201d \\n\\n

This isn\\u2019t a thing! There\\u2019s no end point that is being retreated from - life just adapts to pressures, ongoing.

\\n\\n Handling failure \\n\\n

Revisiting our past failures. Combating cynicism by just kind of ignoring it.

  1. \\n\\t\\t\\t\\tThe Water Fountain You Pee In: YouTube\\n\\t\\t\\t
  2. \\n\\t\\t\\n\\t
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