Prospect: sleep rhythm, amputation, and meat-sack organic gemstones

Published: March 12, 2019, 7:45 a.m.

b'Indie scifi \\n\\n

Impressive shoestring productions. Remembering Moon. Lived-in duct-tape science fiction.

\\n\\n Sleep cycles \\n\\n

Circadian rhythms. Setting our clocks by light exposure. Light exposure and activity levels. Wearing your sunglasses at night. Different varieties of blindness and sleep rhythms. Retinal sensitivity to light.

\\n\\n Space prospectin\\u2019 \\n\\n

Alien meat-testicle gems. Personal testicular security systems. Organic gemstones. Pearl production. How attractive our kidney stones might be to alien speculators. \\u201cReal\\u201d utility vs perceived value.

\\n\\n Wound handling \\n\\n

Wound sealing. Stopping bleeding in an emergency with caulking foam. Packing a wound full of tiny tampons. Failed experiments in would sealing with: beads, marbles, beans, etc. Amputation history. Ancient Greek amputation practices and efficiency records in the Napoleonic and American Civil Wars.

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