Life: time in space, ISS safety, and literal firewalls

Published: April 4, 2017, 7:45 a.m.

b'The International Space Station \\n\\n

Crew of six. Highly trained to do space stuff and\\u2026 study\\xa0aliens? Crazy crane-arms.

\\n\\n Is this the future? \\n\\n

Near-future? Referencing the challenger explosion. A survey of the evidence and the answer: basically this must be taking\\xa0place now. World population: 8 billion!

\\n\\n Origins of alien life \\n\\n

Looked rather\\xa0similar\\xa0to life on our own planet. Common origins. Panspermia. Or is\\xa0life typical in the universe, and life as we understand it is a somewhat typical example?

\\n\\n Time in space \\n\\n

In the movie Jake Gyllenhaal claims 473 days in space. That\\u2019s a lot! NASA Twin study.

\\n\\n This alien \\n\\n

Wow what a bastard this alien is. \\u201cJust trying to survive.\\u201d Pluripotency and cell specialization. \\xa0A brain made of muscles. \\u201cA giant piece of murder muscle.\\u201d A jet plane made of biceps. One cell

\\n\\n Kill it with fire! \\n\\n

Literal firewalls. Temperatures of incinerators. Could we burn it up by tossing it down into\\xa0the atmosphere (hot!).

\\n\\n Kill it with space! \\n\\n

Give that alien some space. Aliens love space.

\\n\\n \\n\\n

Plan B: Screw it! Push it and they and everything into space! But is the math in the ballpark of reasonable? Escape velocities from earth\\u2019s surface vs the ISS.

  1. \\n\\t\\t\\t\\tAlien: iTunesAmazon\\n\\t\\t\\t
  2. \\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t
  3. \\n\\t\\t\\t\\tWhat if... orbital speed?: What If\\n\\t\\t\\t
  4. \\n\\t\\t\\n\\t
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