After Earth: pheromones, murder-birds, and language evolution

Published: April 23, 2019, 7:45 a.m.

b'This movie \\n\\n

Not well reviewed. Will Smith\\u2019s \\u201cpainful failure.\\u201d The real twist is the lack of explanation for things. Jaden Smith wisdom.

\\n\\n Accent and language \\n\\n

The future \\u201clanguage\\u201d in the film. The difference between accent and dialect. how languages change over time, by example. Trying to understand original spoken Shakespeare and generally succeeding. Trying to understand original spoken Beowulf and completely failing. The mutual intelligibility of Old Norse and Old English.

\\n\\n Creatures \\n\\n

Surprise! There are aliens and they want to kill us. Engineered animal-weapons (the \\u201cUrsa\\u201d). Improving the Ursa design: giving guns to blind animals for fun and profit. Komodo dragon-mode leeches. Evolving from parasite to hunter. The combat techniques of butt-spiking murderbirds (shrikes).

\\n\\n Pheromones \\n\\n

\\u201cSmelly handshakes.\\u201d Mammary pheromone response in human infants. Getting used to stinky things. Tales of accidental moth pheromone pranks.

\\n\\n Quarantine earth \\n\\n

Surprising evolutionary directions in the absence of humanity. Even a thousand years later, baboons still don\\u2019t appreciate getting hit with rocks.

\\n\\n Atmosphere \\n\\n

The dangers of low atmospheric oxygen. Using the top of Everest as marker for O2 danger. Climbing Everest in shorts.

  1. \\n\\t\\t\\t\\tLion scent-marking with non-scientific audio: YouTube\\n\\t\\t\\t
  2. \\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t
  3. \\n\\t\\t\\t\\tEddie Izzard "Babies on spikes" bit without any context: YouTube\\n\\t\\t\\t
  4. \\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t
  5. \\n\\t\\t\\t\\t"Butchering Bird" (the shrike): YouTube\\n\\t\\t\\t
  6. \\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t\\t
  7. \\n\\t\\t\\t\\tIn Our Time - Pheromones: BBC\\n\\t\\t\\t
  8. \\n\\t\\t\\n\\t
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