Rockcast 76 - Be a Good Human

Published: June 20, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

b"June is Pride month and after experiencing my first Pride festival, Kaytie and I got to talking about being open, about being who we are as individuals, (after some poop talk of course, it's us what did you expect?) At the end of the day it is just about being good humans.

After having this discussion we left some people out of the conversation who are out as gay or bisexual in the world of rock, Plus of course trans-gendered rock stars like Laura Jane Grace or Mina Caputo. Just be you and don't judge others for things they can't control. As funny and stupid as we tend to be the message here is love, period.

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Kaytie @ktrgrocks
Cutter @cuttermedia"