Rockcast 353 - Tommy Henriksen

Published: Dec. 1, 2023, 11 a.m.

b"Tommy is one of the hidden gems of rock music. He started as a guitarist in the heavy metal band Warlock with Doro Pesch. From there, life took him on an adventure that included a pop-based solo career, a punk rock band, producer and engineer work, studio musician, and in the past decade-plus a spot in Alice Cooper's band and the supergroup Hollywood Vampires. That run-on sentence doesn't even do his career justice, so it's time to tell some rock and roll stories while getting introduced to his new project Crossbone Skully. That project is his brainchild, but with the help of Alice Cooper, Mutt Lang, Johnny Depp, and so many others it deserves the attention we're giving it this week on both this podcast and on my radio show The Cutting Edge Countdown."