Ep#7: Luan Cox, CEO & Founder of FinMkt

Published: March 20, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

b'Interview w/ Luan Cox, CEO & Founder of FinMkt, Mentor at Techstars, and Advisor at Springboard Enterprises. We discuss early business experience in Silicon Valley, inventing FinTech, her Mentors in Kay Koplovitz, Amy Millman and Debra Walton. Luan tells how she founded FinMkt, protips on growth, the importance of a good cofounder, company Culture and entrepreneurial traits. \\u201cDo the work the others aren\\u2019t willing to do & be good to people" - Luan Cox Follow Luan on Social Media: Twitter: @LuanCox ENSE: @LuanCox FinMkt Website: www.FinMkt.io Twitter: @FinMkt Netflix: Seeing Allred - Documentary on Gloria Allred EnseApp Install: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ense/id1136044148?mt=8'