Why Letting Go Can Create Space for Good Things

Published: Oct. 5, 2021, 7:30 a.m.


It\\u2019s human nature to care about what others think about you. As an entrepreneur, service provider, or business owner, you tend to fall into the \\u201cpeople pleaser\\u201d category. You spend time wanting to deliver your absolute best and any little event can make you overthink and question your abilities. Karima is sharing her story on why you shouldn\\u2019t take things personally in business and in life. Instead, she shares her advice on how you can redirect your focus to the things that matter so that you can let go of what doesn\\u2019t serve you while creating space for good things. This episode is your permission to release the things that deplete your energy so you can focus on pouring your energy into the things that matter.\\xa0


Follow Karima on Instagram @karima.creative


Find the show notes at karimacreative.com
