Episode 19 with Kenny Bolin

Published: Dec. 5, 2014, 6:16 a.m.

b'This episode\'s guest is the legendary "Starmarker" himself, Kenny Bolin! While I am very familiar with Mr. Bolin and his history in wrestling, I learned something new tonight: when Kenny Bolin is your guest, Kenny Bolin is the host, haha. It was quite the "stream of consciousness" episode with Mr. Bolin, as we covered a great deal of his thoughts, including his relationship and disagreements/heat with Jim Cornette, his thoughts on John Cena, Brock Lesnar, and Batista, his thoughts on Jerry Lawler as a commentator, various stories from his time in OVW, dealings with the WWE, his upcoming book, and his current ventures with his show "The Bolin Alley" and his "Beats By Bolin" project. Please check out his Facebook page, where you can contact Kenny if you are interested in either his headphones, his shirts, and his DVDs, at facebook.com/starmakerbolin'