011 - Understanding Copyrights: IP Facts vs Copyright Myths

Published: Oct. 8, 2019, 11:15 a.m.


Understanding copyrights & your intellectual property library. Debunking myths with practical information you can use today. Learn about:

  • How to get something copyrighted, meaning registered.
  • How to protect content.
  • What is a trademark?
  • What is a copyright?
  • When do I have ownership to a copyright?
  • Who can claim a copyright?
  • Who can file a claim for copyright infringement?
  • Why trade association registrations are not a substitute for registration from United States Copyright Office.
  • When is a copyright registered?
  • Why do you want timely registration of copyright?
  • How to report a website for using content without a license; copyright blog, copyright music, copyright art, copyright podcast, any content.

Show Notes: https://iphqs.com/011
