Mitch McEwen ('06 M.Arch)

Published: Feb. 5, 2018, 5 a.m.

b'Mitch McEwen, of McEwen Studio, talks about interdisciplinary collaboration in architecture and her current projects in Detroit. Constructing Practice traces the narratives of young firms from around the globe, featuring the participants of a Columbia GSAPP symposium that took place on November 17, 2017, and expands the conversation to include many others, to tell us how they do what they do. Hosted by GSAPP Professor Juan Herreros, principal of Estudio Herreros in Madrid.\\nAs both principal of McEwen Studio and co-founder of the studio collective, A(n) Office with Marcelo L\\xf3pez-Dinardi, Mitch McEwen is currently based between New York and Detroit. McEwen Studio has produced work on the human environment through installations, renovations, speculative design proposals, and building design projects in Detroit, New York City, and abroad. A(n) Office was one of twelve US architectural practices selected to represent the US Pavilion at the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale. McEwen is a 2006 graduate of the Master of Architecture program at GSAPP.\\n"I think one of the things that is really wonderful about architecture is its capacity to be active\\u2013from a drawing, a word, a place. And in that way it\\u2019s incredibly porous." \\u2013 Mitch McEwen\\nWatch the full conference online:\\nMcEwen Studio:'