8: 8th CONKERS CORNER: 2nd June 2016 Conkers' Corner speaking with Roz Sherali

Published: Dec. 1, 2017, 1:11 p.m.


Welcome to the 8th CONKERS' CORNER. In this podcast I have the pleasure of speaking with Roz Sherali @Aim_Trading or Roz as everyone knows her on Twitter. Roz\\u2019s first interest in stocks and shares evolved from the Conservative government\\u2019s de-nationalisation policy of utilities and services. She participated in some the privatisations in the early 1990s, including that of Scottish Power.


Roz is an ex-Investment Banker and has worked for both Deutsche Bank & JP Morgan.\\nWhilst she sees her trading & investing as a hobby, it is one that she is very passionate about. She describes herself as a \\u201chigh risk investor\\u201d that enjoys \\u201ctaking very high risks in stocks\\u201d. Her strategy of researching strong high risk AIM-listed companies, with strong fundamentals, great management and getting her timing right has led her to some notable successes. These include UKOG, KRS and 88E where she made >1100% on her initial investment. Listen now to gain insights into how she invests, how she manages the high risks and learn from the lessons in her investing journey.
