34: 34th CONKERS' CORNER : 28th November 2016 : Conkers Corner speaking with Francis Hunt

Published: Jan. 2, 2018, 1:59 p.m.


Welcome to the 34th CONKERS\\u2019 CORNER. Recorded 25th October 2016. In this interview I have the pleasure of speaking with @themarketsniper Francis D Hunt, Blogger, Trader, Technical Analyst, Coach and Teacher of Trading.\\nFrancis grew up in South Africa. His parents inherited some money which they reinvested into Unit Trusts during the 1980\\u2019s.\\nThey would check the prices of their investments in the newspaper regularly and this piqued Francis\\u2019s interest in investing when he was around 16 years of age. As his parents often discussed how prices had increased and decreased, \\u201cthe principle of investing grabbed him early\\u201d. Francis acknowledged even at a young age that his parents were making money passively. Francis quickly graduated to shares. Francis went into the South African Army in 1987 as part of the compulsory intake. He took all the savings he had and \\u201clumped them into the stock market\\u201d just in time to be hit hard by the 35% market capitulation of October 1987. However because he was away with the Army for two years, he had no need for money. This enabled his portfolio to participate in the market\\u2019s strong rebound over the next two years.


After his time in the Army, he went on to try several jobs before investigating as many trading methods that he could get access to. He then stripped everything back and put together his own winning formula: the Hunt Volatility Funnel Trading Theory (HVF). He has been successfully running his Market Sniper business since 2009, leading him to become a highly sought after trader, technical analyst and commentator globally. Francis is known for making several notable calls correctly including:\\n1. The China Break down in the beginning of 2016.\\n2. The Collapse in Oil in July 2014, that was the primary theme of markets for the next 18 months\\n3. The Militarisation macro bull theme since 2009, including stocks which went on to rise up to 500%\\n4. Precious Metals Long calls in 2001 from $256, 2009 through to 2011 $962 to $1900 with substantial Risk to Reward outcomes\\n5. The collapse of the Euro to the CHF (EURCHF Short Trade) in November 2009, inadvertently pre-empting the Greek Crisis trade of 2010. More recently again the floor fail was predicted for 2015 January, leading to a 30% FX move in hours that sent some brokers and trading platforms into financial distress and some into administration.


Francis emphasises the need to capture profits and advises that one should have both an investing and a trading plan. http://www.themarketsniper.com/#sthash.De3uPMpX.dpbs\\nListen now to gain insights into how Francis invests, trades, charts, his macro calls and learn from the lessons in his successful, insightful investing and trading journey.
