17: 17th CONKERS' CORNER: 4th July 2016 Conkers Corner speaking with @stealthsurf

Published: Dec. 1, 2017, 4:21 p.m.


Welcome to the 17th CONKERS\\u2019 CORNER. In this interview I have the pleasure of speaking with @stealthsurf, Jason to his friends. Jason is very passionate about trend trading and the importance of position sizing.\\nJason\\u2019s interest in investing started at a very early age and he recalls sitting with his Grand-Dad as he would check stock prices on CEEFAX when he was about 5 years of age.


In his early twenty\\u2019s Jason thought it was time to sort out his own personal pension and so sought advice from a Financial Adviser. This led him into investing in Funds. He quickly learned that you should run your winners and cut your losers quickly. He used to work in a plastic moulding factory and would work flat out, then travel and surf in places like Australia and New Zealand.


In 2008 when Jason returned from travelling he needed to have several operations on his knees and it was at this point that he realised that he could not to return to the heavy duty work related to plastic moulding. He decided at this juncture that he would trade full-time. This time however he decided that he would be trading rather than investing as he needed to make a living over the short-term. Two years ago Jason also started his own trading website http://www.tradingbases.co.uk/ Trading Bases is a systematic trend following technique and an insightful source of knowledge for new and also experienced traders and investors.


Jason\\u2019s investing journey and discipline has enabled him to become a successful trader so much that he earns his living from trading the stock market. Listen now to gain insights into how he trades, how he filters stocks, uses moving averages, position sizing, compounding and learn from the lessons in his trading journey.
