15: 15th CONKERS' CORNER: 27th June 2016 Conkers Corner with Mike Rawson

Published: Dec. 1, 2017, 4:17 p.m.


Welcome to the 15th CONKERS\\u2019 CORNER. In this interview I have the pleasure of speaking with Mike Rawson @the7cirlces. Mike has been investing for over 30 years, having first got the bug from his Dad. His first investments back in 1984/85, were companies that had evolved from the Conservative government\\u2019s de-nationalisation policy of utilities and services.


Mike completed a Science Degree in 1984, but found due to the Recession at the time, that he could not find a job in his chosen field. He opted instead to work in Computing, gaining his fist role with Software House. He would go onto work for UBS on Computing Integration Projects. Whilst at UBS Mike also completed a MBA in Finance.


Mike has held several other roles over the years including running and maintaining a property portfolio in relation to its tech/computing requirements. Mike admits that he tends to get restless and easily bored. Hence his many varied roles over the passed thirty-two years. During those roles Mike also refined his approach to investing having experienced all the stock market crashes and majors dips of the 1980\\u2019s, 90s, the 2000\\u2019s.


Mike now appears to have found something to address his restlessness, since 2011 he has been running his own investing portfolio full-time. In additional to this, he is a prolific blogger via his website http://the7circles.uk/ . Listen now to gain insights into how he invests, how he manages his portfolio and learn from the lessons in his investing journey.
